Michelle Anderson Picarella; Illogically Logical

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Charlie Sheen. Winning more than you are.

Have you noticed that you can't turn on the television, radio, or even sign into facebook or twitter without seeing something about Charlie Sheen? Of course you have noticed. He has reached epic status.

It seems that many people hate him. They think that he should be banished, or even worse- placed in celebrity rehab. (They are known for their success rate, ask Lohan.)

I admit, I am on the #winning! and #tigerblood train. I use both phrases daily. I just used them both in a conversation with my 60 year old mother, and she even followed the conversation.

Keep in mind, with this post- that I have no intentions on considering a drug problem as a #winning situation- BUT, I do have to say openly that I feel that this is the closest to winning that I have ever seen a celebrity handle this horrible down fall.

Yes, his show is canceled- but I have to be blunt- I have seen the show... I don't see the major loss in Two and Half Men getting the ax.. Alf getting the ax was a loss. Sheen's show is nothing more than his sex crazed antics which you can get from most any man; Ducky from Pretty in Pink and some kid that isn't cute or funny- and come on, he is a child star- his odds of drug abuse are even greater now that he has Charlie Sheen for a mentor. Kudos to the round kid's mom and dad. I don't even get why the show was canceled due to his drug use- Seriously, are the family values now tainted from this show? Please.

Charlie Sheen is going to make it past this. Sober or not. I think he is doing a great job at remaining an entertainer during this dramatic display of the world pretending to be shocked by a drug induced celeb. It is easy for anyone to judge someone else. We have all hit a level of what we could consider our own "rock bottom". If you haven't, then you haven't lived and shouldn't judge anyway. And those of us that have hit our own rock bottom, we really were blessed to not have it blasted all over the world to be analyzed an mocked. He has said some pretty idiotic things. Once, again- we all have....

Me personally:

"They can't see us. Their windows are tinted."

Me- "We're driving around in squares. We're lost."
BFF- "Don't you mean circles? We are driving around in circles?"
Me- "Ummm. We are in town. The roads aren't curved. It's squares."

"You have to pay for water???? WTF!!! It's a natural resource!"

Me- "Don't put 88 fuel in my car!!! It's a 96 model- You gotta put 93 in it!!!"
BFF- "Ummmm. What does that matter?"
Me- "You have to put the number closest to your car year model, duh."
BFF- " Then why is there 87 and 88?"
Me- "Those were popular years."
BFF- "And classic cars?"
Me- "The old gas stations in the country,DUH!"
BFF- "Bwhahahahahaha. You're an idiot."

These just pop into my head. I am sure that there are more examples. And I said all of this 100% sober. Not my best moments, and I do tend to say logical witty things at times- but like everyone else in the world, even you- I carry a bit of the dumbass gene.

Just think. You have said some pretty lame stuff as well. Things that are way more out there than tigerblood, winning, or even calling some women "the goddesses".
George W. Bush said far more idiotic things on a daily basis and we let him run our country.


  1. I feel sorry for Charlie Sheen. I believe he is experience a serious mental breakdown, and he's doing it publicly. It's sad and I don't think it should be encouraged.

    The way he is acting has to be hurting those who love him most, and the media is unethically allowing him to have this breakdown in the public eye. They know there's something wrong with him, but instead of caring about the human element of their industry they only care about ratings.

    I know what it's like to see someone you love go through a drug induced breakdown, and I cannot imagine how watching them do it in public would amplify the pain of an already painful situation.
