Michelle Anderson Picarella; Illogically Logical

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Facebooking the right way 2011

While talking with a dear friend the other day, an interesting topic came into play that has really sent me into deep thought. We were discussing certain things that we don't post on our personal social networking sites in the name of being "politically correct". The humorous factor of this, is how very opinionated we both tend to be in reality.
Never before have either of us stopped ourselves from saying something in a crowded room for fear of whom it may offend, so why are we inclined to censor ourselves on the internet?
I see some profiles with two-thousand facebook friends or more. Let's be honest. If you have that many friends, you are most likely the type of person that only communicates with about six of those friends in reality and you think that a large number of "friends" somehow makes you a better person, or you are using your facebook page to network. In that case, you should create a "like" page instead of friending thousands of people in which you will never truly interact with.

Come the new year, the first resolution I have in place is to be as real as I am face to face with my internet persona. People have two options: If you don't like something that I say- you can continue to love me and deal with the fact that I am who I am...or by all means, please, delete me.

I will also be a bit less politically correct about my friend list. Let's be honest, we all have some people on our list that we know through 20 degrees of separation and after denying the friend request four or five times, we just gave up and added. We all have people that we never said a word to in school, and to this day- we still haven't. We all have family or in-laws that our lack of getting along with has never been a secret. Why are they there? Who are we trying to impress?
I have always gone by the motto "If you haven't worn it in a year- get rid of it."
It's about time to clean out my social networking closet.
I am only announcing this via blog because if somehow- someone manages to seem offended that even though you have not communicated in a year, they have shown no care, compassion, or support of your life during a year- then they have no right to be offended by their dismissal. You can still nod as you pass them in Walmart, or say "Good to see you." at a family event- Removing them from your space on the internet is not rude, it's allowing you both more room on the sites to pay attention to people that you both actually associate with.


  1. I agree :) I clean my friend list every few months. If I don't speak to you, and you don't speak to me...then why are we 'friends' on facebook?

  2. Ditto! I'm plagiarizing this by linking on Facebook and getting letting my peeps know in advance that I'll be doing some "cleaning house".

  3. Well said...'Nuff said!

  4. Haha! I figured that this post may be an ice breaker for anyone that considered doing the same. Also, a great link to send anyone that emails you saying,"Hey you- why did you delete me?" LOL.
