Michelle Anderson Picarella; Illogically Logical

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Write what..(or who) you know... A tale of Sloth

I try to keep my personal blog (the one that you are currently reading) and my writer's blog totally separate. But let's be honest, if my multiple personalities mingle from time to time, my blogs might as well mesh as well.

Recently, I have ventured into a new project. One of those projects that are so perfect, you know it is the moment it pops into your mind. For those of you that do follow me on twitter, facebook, or in reality and actually listen to my ramblings- You know what I am talking about- The Seven Deadly Sins collaboration with six other mind-blowing authors. ( I think I just tooted my own horn. Bravo.)

Anyway, I promise that I will plug each of the wonderful authors at the end of this post. Officially making it your duty to check them out. You won't regret it. But this is my ranting/get it off of my chest blog- If you have read any of the other posts that I have floating around here-

The sins- All sins are delicious... Though, I must admit.... Sloth was totally tripping me up... Shamefully so.


I asked six authors to jump on board and I am the one tripping over myself with a blank sheet of paper that SHOULD be my story.

Then, out of nowhere, the light bulb went off- I had my "Ah-Ha" moment. (Thank God, too! I was starting to worry!)

Everything that I have ever written has been influenced by someone in my real life. Every poem, short story, even my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)... My current YA novel "Anna" is based on my family in a time well before I graced this planet... Livian, the YA Fantasy that I am sure you all have heard me plug (over and over)- every single character in this book happens to be a valuable person in my life (even if they aren't any more likable in fiction than they are in reality)... So this is where I was messing up. I needed to pick real people- that I actually knew to carry out that ghastly tale of Sloth...

That honestly consumed about thirty seconds of my life. There is was, like a bright shining light with angelic chanting and harps... Okay, I lie... It was more of a face-palm and the sound of myself saying, "DUH!"

I am sure you are waiting for the official announcement of those worthy of carrying out the parts of the Sloth. I wish I could. I am sure that in some way I could be sued for slander or something if I openly announced names or even the roles they have played in my life (beyond thorn in my side) but considering they are not the types to commit to working for a living, I am sure they are waiting for someone else to sue and I'd rather not give them a leg to stand on... Ha...

So yes, I know I threw a few puns in this blog. I am also sure most of you are curious as to who the sloths are... A few of you may even be thinking, "Oh hell."

All I can say is, "Whew! The good for nothings have finally become good for something."

Writing this....oh yeah... Mucho cheaper than therapy... Mucho.

More details and puns to come... Stay tuned...

Check out the six other author's of sin...


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